“Everyone knows life is a chance in Afghanistan. When you leave home in the morning, you do not know that you will return home safe,” says Mujtaba Bayat, who left war ravaged Afghanistan in 2012 and is seeking asylum in Australia.

Despite the many challenges he has encountered, Mr Bayat established his own painting and maintenance business, employing Australians and asylum seekers with work rights.
“Asylum seekers can stand on their feet and they can serve Australia and the Australians,” said Mr Bayat.
Many asylum seekers living in the Australian community do not have access to government support or employment. Mr Bayat experienced this himself before he received work rights, which has motivated him to support asylum seekers in need during Covid-19 by donating and delivering food hampers through HOST International’s Project Humanity.
“I was able to donate what I could afford, and I assisted HOST’s staff with the delivery of the food hampers they prepared to distribute to fellow asylum seekers,” said Mr Bayat.
“Mr Bayat is generously giving back to the community and for that we are grateful,” said Nasiba Akram, manager of HOST’s Project Humanity. “With Mr Bayat’s help, we have delivered 35 food hampers, and we will be continuing to support asylum seekers with essential items during this difficult time.”
You too can donate to support asylum seekers by making a tax deductible donation to HOST.