Download our latest impact report, evaluation report, or learn more about our research and advocacy work.
Annual impact report
FY 2022/2023 Report
FY 2021/2022 Report
advocacy reports
Cultural Transitions
Migrant you and family stories of belonging and cultural wellbeing. A youth-led research project in collaboration with Western Sydney University.
Access to banking
A report into the availability of bank accounts for refugees and asylum seekers residing in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
ready to work
In collaboration with MAX Solutions, this report looks at how Australia's skill shortages can be filled by CALD candidates which are often overlooked.
Amplifying inclusion
An evaluation report of HOST International Adelaide's Community Incubator Program, including short testimonials from some of the program participants.
evaluation of the Ballarat industry mentoring pilot (bImp)
An evaluation report commissioned by the City of Ballarat on the results of the BIMP.