Systemic Change

We believe that global innovation in refugee protection is needed and that we have a role to play in driving incremental change and representing the voices of people on the move. HOST was established, in part, out of frustration with the existing limitations in the global protection systems that ultimately disempower the people it aims to protect. The focus has not been on empowering or creating solutions but on crisis humanitarian aid and institutional protection.
New solutions are needed and we believe we can have an impact on this by investing in innovation, by elevating voices of displaced and host communities and by contributing to global and regional solution building.
We are an International NGO with national programs, local partners and a regional vision for the Asia Pacific. We are active members of APRRN, ACFID, and the International Detention Coalition (IDC) and we seek to engage Governments to advance more humane and community based approaches to immigration and border management.
We also believe that research is needed to advance good migration policy and therefore invest in partnerships with research bodies to inform our policy work and the development of our work with individuals and communities.
Some examples of our global and systemic change work are:
Research partnership in Indonesia with UNSW seeking to design better support services
Refugee Assets research on work rights in Asia with legal partners and Asylum Access
Participation in regional and global forums on refugee policy